Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Crumb definitions discovering

Crumb definitions are registred through files that are loaded as Python
modules, where some code can register needed crumbs.
import copy
from django.conf import settings
from importlib import import_module
from django.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule

from autobreadcrumbs.registry import breadcrumbs_registry

[docs]def discover(module_path, filename=None): """ Try to discover and load a ```` file from given Python path. Arguments: module_path (string): Python path to scan for ``filename`` module. Keyword Arguments: filename (string): Optional module filename to search for, usually ````, default to ``None``. Raises: Exception: Raise any occuring exception from loaded Python path. Returns: string or None: Python path (``module.filename``) for discovered crumbs module. If ``filename`` does not exists in module, return ``None``. """ mod = import_module(module_path) name = module_path if filename: name = '{path}.{filename}'.format(path=module_path, filename=filename) # Attempt to import the app's admin module. try: # Keep registry safe in case of error before_import_registry = copy.copy(breadcrumbs_registry._registry) # Import crumbs module import_module(name) except: # Reset the model registry to the state before exception occured breadcrumbs_registry._registry = before_import_registry # Only bubble up error if app have a crumbs file, dont raise anything # if it lacks of if (unobtrusive way) if module_has_submodule(mod, filename): raise else: return None else: return name
[docs]def autodiscover(filename='crumbs'): """ Automatic discovering for available crumbs definitions Before looking at crumbs files, registry start from ``settings.AUTOBREADCRUMBS_TITLES`` items if setted, else an empty Dict. Then it try to load possible root crumb file defined in ``settings.AUTOBREADCRUMBS_ROOT_CRUMB`` (as a Python path). And finally load each crumbs file finded in ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``. Keyword Arguments: filename (string): Module filename to search for. Default to ``crumbs``, so it will search for a ```` file at root of every enabled module from ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``. Returns: list: List of successfully loaded Python paths. """ paths = [] # Directly fill registry from initial crumbs setting breadcrumbs_registry.update(getattr(settings, 'AUTOBREADCRUMBS_TITLES', {})) # Fill paths to discover from project level crumb file root_crumbs = getattr(settings, 'AUTOBREADCRUMBS_ROOT_CRUMB', None) if root_crumbs: paths.append(discover(root_crumbs)) # Fill paths to discover from installed apps apps = list(settings.INSTALLED_APPS) paths = paths + [discover(app, filename=filename) for app in apps] return filter(None, paths)